Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Year's Day Facebook Cover with Fireworks

Around the world fireworks will ring in the New Year.  I hope your 2013 is happy, healthy and prosperous.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mad Cat Facebook Covers

I am not usually one for Internet memes, but even I couldn't resist this angry cat. I don't know if he has a name but I call him "Mad Cat", and as far as cats go, he's pretty famous.

I don't put copyrighted stuff on this page without permission, but I figure if this cat has a lawyer, he's probably going to be busy for a while with much bigger fish to fry.

There are few holiday themes thrown in as well, so make sure you swap your cat daily.

Start with the original Mad Cat.  I use this every Monday.

Here's a matching profile picture.

Mad Cat says Bah Humbug to Christmas.

Did Mad Cat jump on the Mayan Apocalypse bandwagon?  Yep.

Happy Cat setting goals for the New Year? Yup.

Yes, I do know a little Photoshop!