Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Sea Turtle Facebook Cover

Sea turtles are born on land buried in the sand with 1000 or so brothers and sisters. They hatch and begin the crawl instinctively toward the ocean, where predators are eagerly awaiting. Roughly the size of your palm, they can eventually grow to 15 feet long and live up to 100 years, but only if they survive the first day. Female turtles that survive will instinctively return to the beach where they were born to lay eggs, sometimes within feet of where they hatched many years earlier.

Sea turtle Facebook cover
Sea turtle in shallow water

Sea turtles have been regular subject of tattoos since long before the current popularity of body ink. It was traditional for seamen in the Navy to get a sea turtle tattoo as an indicator that they had crossed the equator.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

City skyline series: Pittsburgh Facebook Cover

The steel city, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, is one of the great cities of the Industrial Revolution.

Today it's become a paradise for research and technology. With several high quality universities, and a variety of high tech employers, it's one of the few cities to successfully make the shift from blue to white collar.

It also has a rich history with American sports. The Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins were all founding members of their leagues and all don the black and gold. In total, the city has more than a dozen championships under its belt.

Pittsburgh Facebook Cover Photo
Point State Park in downtown Pittsburgh as seen from Mount Washington
This photo is of iconic Point State Park, at the convergence of the Three Rivers. The photo was taken from Mount Washington.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Beautiful Sunrise Facebook Cover Photo

It's been said that the only thing more beautiful than a sunset is a sunrise, because that means there is a new day ahead. Here's wishing you a bright and sunny future.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Rosa Parks Museum Bus

Today we continue our celebration of Black History Month.

Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist who became known as "The first lady of civil rights" after she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus in 1955. This act instigated the legendary Montgomery Bus Boycott, which helped end racial segregation on public transit across the country.

February 4, 1913 was Rosa Parks birthday. Celebrate her legacy with this Facebook cover on what would be her 105th birthday.

The photo below is from the Rosa Parks Museum in Dearborn Michigan. This bus represents the one where she took a stand by taking a seat and keeping it.

Rosa Parks Museum Bus Facebook Cover Photo

Rosa Parks Bus Profile Photo
Rosa Parks Profile Image

Friday, February 2, 2018

Six more weeks of winter… At the beach

Today is Groundhog Day. Unfortunately, Punxsutawney Phil has declared that we have six more weeks of winter here in Pennsylvania.

We decided to resist.

So today, you get two beautiful Facebook cover photos of tropical beaches. We hope that you will use them to help fight the winter blues with the ocean blues.

Tropical Beach Facebook cover 
Tropical Beach Facebook cover with canoe

Thursday, February 1, 2018

February is Black History Month

This year it's more important than ever to celebrate the achievements of African Americans. From the days of Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency of Barack Obama, the history of black people in America has been one of the great struggle and great triumph.

This month we are proud to offer this cover photo in celebration of black Americans and their contributions to the United States through blood, sweat and tears.

Black History Month Facebook Cover

Monday, December 11, 2017

Max Born, German Physicist, Quote

Max Born was a German physicist and mathematician who was instrumental in the development of quantum mechanics. Wikipedia

Today would have been Max Born's 135th birthday.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Star Wars Rebel Alliance Facebook cover

Facebook Cover featuring scenes from  Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Another creation based on the game Star Wars Commander, sampled from the loading screen on Facebook.

This one features  Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Princess Leia,, the heroes of the rebel alliance. This one isn't branded distinctly to the game, and I took time to carefully remove Darth Vader.

It also has a distinct vibe from The Empire Strikes Back with the battle on the icy planet of Hoth.

Star Wars Commander Facebook Cover Photo

Star Wars Commander, for those who favor the Imperial Empire.
I grew up on Star Wars, seeing it at the drive-in movies in 1977.

Lately, I've been playing Star Wars Commander on Facebook and really enjoying it. It's a Clash of Clans style castle building game complete with Guild wars.

Also, you have to join the Empire or the Rebel Alliance, so there is a good versus evil vibe as well.

This cover is the first of two I've created from screen captures of the loading screen. Featuring Darth Vader, you're probably liking this one if you're part of the Imperial Empire.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Celebrate Thomas Edison's birthday with this Facebook quote cover

Thomas Edison Facebook Cover

One of my personal heroes is Thomas Edison, the inventor from New Jersey with over 1000 patents in his name. He founded General Electric as well as a utility company, Metropolitan Edison, for whom I used to work.

The lightbulb was just the most famous of his inventions, but today our lives would be radically different if not for Thomas Edison. His work with electricity, batteries, lightbulbs, film projectors, the phonograph and even basic switches that would later become early computers, Edison's ability to constantly innovate and create was remarkable.

If each of us tried just a little harder to stretch our capabilities, imagine our world.

Thomas Edison was born February 11, 1847, and today would be his 170th birthday.

Thomas Edison Profile Picture

Monday, June 6, 2016

Saturday, April 2, 2016

April Showers Bring May Flowers

You've heard the saying "April showers bring May flowers."  I'm not sure about you, but I am ready for the inviting colors and scents of Spring. We've endured a hard winter with nothing to see but white snow and brown landscaping. This picture shows the true beauty warm temperatures can bring. Although we may still have chilly nights, the cold is finally breaking and flower buds are starting to rise towards the morning sun. Enjoy spring my friends!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Pi Day is Here 3/14

Few days bring out the geeks like March 14, Pi Day. However, the beauty of mathematics is that it's everywhere, all around us.

Here's a terrific visualization created by connecting thousands of points around the circle,  shifting the color based on mathematical calculation.

Now you can celebrate on your Facebook page.

Pi Day (3.14) is a favorite among nerds… At least until May the 4th.